Saturday, 28 November 2015

A Request for Research…….

In picking my topic for the first assignment (Biosecurity system being adequate to protect our boarders) , I knew it would be topical and a point for hot debate after all the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) had been in the news a lot earlier in the year over the Queensland fruit fly invasion among other lapses of security. I actual had inside information in relation to how our Biosecurity system where meant to work, but as this was pillow talk and hearsay I couldn’t actually use it. It was also one person’s tinted view on the failing with the system. I need to remind myself to keep objective and open to both sides of the argument so to speak.     

The ideal place to start would be MPI’s (Ministry for Primary Industries) own web site which has a number of links to articles, projects, information and data.  At this stage I started to panic, as although this is a great source for back ground information would it give me the hook I was looking for to hang my argument on? But they were all about the future and the information that was being presented is what is being proposed for changes and update to board controls ( there may be more there as I only scratched the surface so to speak).  It was just one form of information to digest and help support my understanding of Biosecurity within NZ, and one that will need to revisited as my research progresses (it is still ongoing…)  

My next source was the Universities own library to see if my rust research skill could find other articles and hopefully some published scientific information.  After navigating my way through the updated entry system, I was soon typing in what I hoped would be great search line…. Like I said I am rusty.  It took several goes to come up with search results that gave me a number of published newspaper articles, but little scientific or peer review publications. At this point was I was feeling frustrated and very behind the clock, as I only had limited during the week and weekend to start this, and work was threatening to take up more time with other projects and calamities that need to be sorted urgently.  When planning to do this I should have allowed more time during the evenings and being less involved with the politics of my work place, which have been a major distraction. 

So I guess that well I have found some interesting articles and ideas, the research will carry on so I can produce what I hope will be a well-rounded and supported argument for my assignment. As from small beings often come big ideas (Anon), and that research is often just the quest for greater knowledge.  With that I must return to my website's and libraries to continue my quest for information.   

Thursday, 19 November 2015

To Blog or Not to Blog

Do not worry you won’t get the entire soliloquy from the opening of Hamlet, but I thought using Mr. Shakespeare’s words although slightly modified to be apt.   This is my first ever attempt at a blog so be please be patient with me, as I stumble my way through this introduction , of which I must let you know of my name, its Cherie.  I am 48 years young and believe that everything in life happens for a reason.  That you learn, grow and continue to develop long after we think we have grown up and left high school.

This is my first paper in a BSC majoring in Psychology, but do not worry I am use to studying via distance learning as this how I complete my BSS majoring in Accountancy.  So why the change your career path now you might ask?  I guess after a stressful year with personal issues and a major work conflict (I currently work as a corporate accountant) I have decided that I would like a career that I can do, past the age of retirement, and one that will give back to the community as whole. One that will make a positive difference to people, and help them become the best version of themselves they can be.   My aim is to complete my degree and then start my master in Psychology.  My ultimate plan is to continue on toward completing my studies with a PHD.  Yes I have big plans, and I just hope I can pull them off, and I know it will take a while complete all of this.  So this paper is just the first in a long road of study, which will need great communication skills. Hence the reason for doing this paper first.  That and writing for science I have been told is total different to writing business plans, corporate emails and the like.  So to complete all of these papers I will need to sharpen up my communication skills. And I will need to remember to dot my I’s and cross my t’s.

Tonight I was lucky enough to hear and meet a lovely lady called Helen Zink who spoke about positive psychology, the effects of stress and how to be in the moment.  After speaking with her after the presentation this only helped confirm that I was doing the right thing for me and my passion.  And by focusing on my strengths (I am well organised, positive, a great speaker, presenter and friendly as well), and not my weakness (I find it hard to say no, wonder off topic occasionally when presenting and eat too much chocolate) I should be able to find the balance I need to complete all of this.

So this may not be the longest blog, or have the greatest links, but hopefully it represents me, my passion and plans.