Saturday, 30 January 2016

Our Roles with the Team….

There is no greater joy than working as part of well-grounded team, one where everyone fits into a certain role. However the reality is that the role we often start out with is not the one we actual ending up doing.  I think this something that Meredith Belbin was aware of when he created his team roles back in the 1960, as he thought most people would display elements from two or three roles, and could or would adapt to cover others if needed.

Our team started out well, with three out of the four of us being able to meet in person, at first just for coffees, a getting to know you situation. And later on to discuss the upcoming team report and the work that would needed to be done and various team roles. We were a group of strong independent personalities with an unknown source in our fourth team member. 

Gabrielle went first, in labelling herself a Shaper, Implementer, Completer Finisher and Team worker. In looking at her contribution to the team, and while she may have started as Shaper this style of leadership did not work well in our diverse group of people, some of us being more bound to give everyone an equal chance to participate. Another more appropriate role for her too was that of Specialist, as she did provide insight and technical expertise in her portion of the report.  And she certainly has been a great Completer & Finisher, with picking up typos and spelling mistakes during our various draft reports before finalisation.

Christina was our unknown resource, as due to other commitments she was unable to meet up with us, she was also the youngest in the group.  Well she didn’t get to show any leadership style, she was a great asset to the team, being a Specialist, Team Worker and Completer Finisher.  Her ability as a specialist to research and break down information was of a great help, she went about her assigned tasks promptly and efficiently, and kept this up when even on the other side of the world.  Without her dedication and help, during the finishing phases I think we would have struggled more than we did. 

And then there was Jindina, an excellent Co-ordinator, Plant, Team work and a Completer Finisher, with just a little touch of perfectionism. She worked tirelessly organising brain storm ideas, and structures for the team to develop as a whole, a true plant.  She listened and worked well with all of the team, and was certainly diplomatic when required, but she really came into her own as a Completer Finisher, where her eye for detail and style created a smooth flowing document.  However in true fashion of a Completer Finisher, right up until the end, when I as leader put my foot down, was still worried about details that she thought we all might have missed.     

And then there is me, someone who really doesn’t like labels.  If I am honest I am Team Worker, Resource Investigator and Co-ordinator.  I took over the leadership mantel of the team, and tried to encourage everyone to communicate with each other, and had call to on my diplomatic skills more than once, when errors in communication and understanding threatened to become arguments.   As a Resource Investigator, I use my connections and contacts to secure our interviews at what is a difficult time of year due to holidays.  But above all I worked as part of the team to support and assist where ever possible and when needed.  

That leaves one role which I think the three of us who were able to meet up, all filled at various times, that is Monitor Evaluator.  As we bounced ideas around, keeping some and discarding other we each had our own input to this role, all be it for only a small period of time.

It’s always hard to label people, and some will think “but I am more than that”.  I can’t say that this has been my favourite exercise of the entire course, but it is a necessary one when coming to understand the dynamics behind the team structure and how it works.   

Sunday, 24 January 2016

The good, the bad and the ugly of public speaking…..

I am lucky, I love to present and public speaking does not phase me the way it does others.  I have had my share of presentations that have simply not worked, and other that have exceed all expectations.

My Love with public speaking started at high school, when I was chosen to represent my school in a speech completion hosted by the local Rotary club. My topic was one I felt very strongly about and had been highlighted in the media, and by several high profile rock stars.  Back then there was no internet to help with research; it was all done through newspapers, journals and TV news programmes.  So with help from my Mother (she was a teacher at the time) I was launched into my first every public speaking event, and I loved it.  The thrill of standing up and having people focused on you, and only you.  After winning the local competition, I was ready to go up against the big guns in Whangarei; I was excited and been practising like mad.  Then the ugly hit, I had been told the wrong day, deliberately by one of the local Rotary members. Why?  As it turned out they were upset that a girl from the wrong high school (me) had been identified as the one person who could win the overall competition, and they had never had anyone get that close from the their local high school.

After high school I went to Teachers Training College, it was then a separate entity from Auckland University, where I joined the debating team.  So not quite as bad as public speaking on your own (part of three member team) there was still the thrill of speaking and politely arguing in public. But it never quite given me the thrill that public speak did.

On I went into the work force, and while at the BNZ I was introduced to Toast Masters, which ironical covered the good, the bad and sometimes the ugly of public speaking.  It was here that I learnt to control my Mm’s, Uh and Aar’s, was made to ensure that I knew my speaking topics and subjects.  I also learnt what it was like to be given a topic on the night and have to speak for two minutes, without the support of planned speech, or the chance to research.  It really taught me how to think on feet.  Like most environments however there was the bad and ugly side, where those giving the feedback made it on occasion, personal and not constructive, but this was only on rare occasions.

Last year I was asked at the last minute to do a presentation to number of staff from around the country at company meeting   (bad) .  I had little or no time to prepare slides, so went without.  That was a brave and stupid call as few got disinterested during the presentation and started talking among themselves (ugly).  So I stopped what I was talking about and reminded the few that where intent on personal conversations, that I had given my time and that I would appreciate their attention.  They stopped and actual started following what I was talking about, and soon realised that my subject matter was important (good).  After I finished my presentation, many came up said they were surprised by handling of the few (everyone who had presented had let them carry on), and where excited and interested in what I had to say.

So there it goes the good, the bad and the ugly all in one presentation that was a last minute request, but it was my love of speaking that made it possible.

Monday, 18 January 2016

The Tea in Team & Endless Emails

I have tried to start this particular blog about team work at least twice and each time I have ended up with writers block so to speak. 

Tonight however as we read the final draft of our report over endless cups of tea and a few more emails. it made me realise what made our team work so well.  It was a little thing called balance, communication and appreciation.

The report we had just written was truly a team effort, where everyone contributed what they could, when they could.  Yes, we had disagreements about how certain sentences should look.  Yes we got tired and snappy with each other, but at the end of the day we had one common goal which had drawn us together.   Writing this report!

This is what had drawn us together, four people who didn’t know each apart from what we had put as an intro on a university streaming session.  A brief description of what we hoped was our strength and not our weakness.   And our main desire was that we hoped to meet in person, to create a bond that would survive completing a group assignment.  

After the first round of emails confirming details, we arranged to meet to break the ice and put faces to names, first snag only three of us could actual meet up, so an endless chain of emails started to include all the team.  Over coffee and cakes we talk about our study plans, what we were looking for in team mates, and what we thought would be a good arrangement to get the team working going forward. 

Communication was always the point, if one person couldn’t make meeting we send out emails, minutes, reminders of things that need to be done.  We worked to our strengths, which became apparently quite early on.  One was an organiser, who planned and brain stormed.  A further member was a great researcher, who had an eye for detail.  Another motivator, who talks and encouraged and kept us all to deadlines, yes even when I was dragging my feet, and me.   I was the person with connections, the interview arranger.  

What one may have lacked was balanced by someone else, and we brought differing points of view.  Sometime complimentary to each and other times having to remind each other that we were entitled to differences of opinion.  We have also taught each other about environmental issues, and raised awareness about recycling (something we actual bonded over).  We played to each other strengths, and help were we thought there may be weakness.

So over many cups of tea our report was written and reviewed, then reviewed some more with more tea and the occasional sweet treat.  In the end it was true team effort, and one in which everyone (I hope) appreciated all the feedback, and seemingly endless reviews, and cups of tea & emails . I know I certainly appreciated everyone’s efforts.

This quote seems more than appropriate “No man is an island, entire of itself” (John Donne) as there is no team, if one person considers themselves an island, which none of us did.


 From: A Selection from the prose by John Donne

Saturday, 9 January 2016

Over Enthusiastic Me…..

Like most people I do not think I am a natural born leader; in fact it’s not even a role that I actively seek out but somehow end up doing when in group situations.  Many people tend not to want to take control; they fear offending others and sometime lack the confidence to confront difficult situations and people. So if I am not a leader what would type of role would I prefer?

Being social and fairly outgoing (I do have moments of total introversion where everyone and the world are locked out); the first role that comes to mind is that of the Resource Investigator (Belbin 2013), an idea’s person.  As the role suggests I like to explore the opportunities that come my way, whether they be personal or professional.  I do this by talking to people and getting them to talk about their points of view, listening to what they say, taking an interest in them.  Sometimes thought this isn’t easy, and it like talking to a post, as no matter what you try they just clam up and withdraw.  This normally happens in competition type situations where the other party has just realised that I am trying to work out their strategies for whatever is happening competition wise. 

When I find a project that I am really excited about my enthusiasm can carry me away, and I have to realise that not everyone maybe as excited as I am about the project.  I always hope that my enthusiasm will spill over to others, so I will have someone that feels just like I do, and are prepared to put their heart and soul into the project along with me.  And also that when my first flush of enthusiasm wanes, theirs will then lift me up, and excite me once again.  It always to helps to find that person especially if other are just more oh-hum about what is happening, and I try not to let them drain my enthusiasm and excitement. 

In the past I suggested a work social team, as it had been noted that office was somewhat lacking in a happy jovial atmosphere.  My idea was that each person would organise a different social event or activity for the office as a whole, and I had suggestions coming out of my ears so to speak.  So I was duly appointed by our General Manager to organise the first event, which had to be based in the office (it was just prior to Easter).  I decided that an Easter egg hunt would just be the ticket.  I organised clues, teams and nice chocolatey surprise at the end.  While most of the company caught the buzz (only one was not really invested and he was excused on age), and raced around the office looking and trying decipher clues to find the end hiding spot (there where a few red herring along the way).  In the end everyone got at least one Easter egg to take home, and a lot to eat during the rest of the day.  After this initial rush of enthusiasm and I handed it over to others to take the lead and organise more events, while I sat back and basked in a happy sugar laden glow.

Belbin Associates. (2015). Belbin Team Roles. Retrieved from: