Thursday, 19 November 2015

To Blog or Not to Blog

Do not worry you won’t get the entire soliloquy from the opening of Hamlet, but I thought using Mr. Shakespeare’s words although slightly modified to be apt.   This is my first ever attempt at a blog so be please be patient with me, as I stumble my way through this introduction , of which I must let you know of my name, its Cherie.  I am 48 years young and believe that everything in life happens for a reason.  That you learn, grow and continue to develop long after we think we have grown up and left high school.

This is my first paper in a BSC majoring in Psychology, but do not worry I am use to studying via distance learning as this how I complete my BSS majoring in Accountancy.  So why the change your career path now you might ask?  I guess after a stressful year with personal issues and a major work conflict (I currently work as a corporate accountant) I have decided that I would like a career that I can do, past the age of retirement, and one that will give back to the community as whole. One that will make a positive difference to people, and help them become the best version of themselves they can be.   My aim is to complete my degree and then start my master in Psychology.  My ultimate plan is to continue on toward completing my studies with a PHD.  Yes I have big plans, and I just hope I can pull them off, and I know it will take a while complete all of this.  So this paper is just the first in a long road of study, which will need great communication skills. Hence the reason for doing this paper first.  That and writing for science I have been told is total different to writing business plans, corporate emails and the like.  So to complete all of these papers I will need to sharpen up my communication skills. And I will need to remember to dot my I’s and cross my t’s.

Tonight I was lucky enough to hear and meet a lovely lady called Helen Zink who spoke about positive psychology, the effects of stress and how to be in the moment.  After speaking with her after the presentation this only helped confirm that I was doing the right thing for me and my passion.  And by focusing on my strengths (I am well organised, positive, a great speaker, presenter and friendly as well), and not my weakness (I find it hard to say no, wonder off topic occasionally when presenting and eat too much chocolate) I should be able to find the balance I need to complete all of this.

So this may not be the longest blog, or have the greatest links, but hopefully it represents me, my passion and plans. 


Unknown said...

Hey, Your 1st comment on your 1st blog.
Looking forward to meeting you tomorrow.

Unknown said...

Great first blog, I like your opening line and the way you finish it up at the end. It's friendly and lively and makes easy reading. Finding our passion is the first step to achieving great things.

Cheers, Jin

Unknown said...

Hi Cherie.
A great introductory post. I liked the Shakespeare reference at the beginning and the personal anecdote at the end. It’s really inspiring to read that you’re continuing with and are passionate about learning well past the age where many people drop it altogether!
Regards, Christina