Saturday, 9 January 2016

Over Enthusiastic Me…..

Like most people I do not think I am a natural born leader; in fact it’s not even a role that I actively seek out but somehow end up doing when in group situations.  Many people tend not to want to take control; they fear offending others and sometime lack the confidence to confront difficult situations and people. So if I am not a leader what would type of role would I prefer?

Being social and fairly outgoing (I do have moments of total introversion where everyone and the world are locked out); the first role that comes to mind is that of the Resource Investigator (Belbin 2013), an idea’s person.  As the role suggests I like to explore the opportunities that come my way, whether they be personal or professional.  I do this by talking to people and getting them to talk about their points of view, listening to what they say, taking an interest in them.  Sometimes thought this isn’t easy, and it like talking to a post, as no matter what you try they just clam up and withdraw.  This normally happens in competition type situations where the other party has just realised that I am trying to work out their strategies for whatever is happening competition wise. 

When I find a project that I am really excited about my enthusiasm can carry me away, and I have to realise that not everyone maybe as excited as I am about the project.  I always hope that my enthusiasm will spill over to others, so I will have someone that feels just like I do, and are prepared to put their heart and soul into the project along with me.  And also that when my first flush of enthusiasm wanes, theirs will then lift me up, and excite me once again.  It always to helps to find that person especially if other are just more oh-hum about what is happening, and I try not to let them drain my enthusiasm and excitement. 

In the past I suggested a work social team, as it had been noted that office was somewhat lacking in a happy jovial atmosphere.  My idea was that each person would organise a different social event or activity for the office as a whole, and I had suggestions coming out of my ears so to speak.  So I was duly appointed by our General Manager to organise the first event, which had to be based in the office (it was just prior to Easter).  I decided that an Easter egg hunt would just be the ticket.  I organised clues, teams and nice chocolatey surprise at the end.  While most of the company caught the buzz (only one was not really invested and he was excused on age), and raced around the office looking and trying decipher clues to find the end hiding spot (there where a few red herring along the way).  In the end everyone got at least one Easter egg to take home, and a lot to eat during the rest of the day.  After this initial rush of enthusiasm and I handed it over to others to take the lead and organise more events, while I sat back and basked in a happy sugar laden glow.

Belbin Associates. (2015). Belbin Team Roles. Retrieved from: 


Unknown said...

Patience and being a good listener are truly valuable attributes in team work. I appreciate enthusiasm and efforts to create a positive working atmosphere in team-mates, even if the assigned teamwork is less than exciting, because it stimulates the flow of ideas and gets the motivation up! I like the easter egg hunt anecdote you describe, it sounds like an excellent way to initiate enthusiasm when no one else feels up to it.

Unknown said...

One year our social organiser dressed as a bunny to deliver eggs. The whole bunny with eggs thing seems really odd when I think about it.

Unknown said...

Resource Investigator, yes, definitely I agree with that role for you. From what I have seen, you work well with others, and have plenty of contacts that have proved useful to our team so far. Feeling enthusiastic about something, and been hit with a wet blanket from others, is most certainly a dampener to the spirits, but it is those with ideas and enthusiasm that create the energy to drive others - even in egg hunts!